Tissues & Systems Project

Biology:  Tissues, Organs, and Systems of Living Things

Research Project

You will be researching a topic and doing a 3 minute presentation on a topic of your choice in one of the following categories.  You must hand in a bibliography with all your sources at the time of the presentation:

If you are doing a disease study, include:

1.  Basic biology of cells, tissues and/or organs involved in the disease, including a diagram

2.  Causes of the disease

3.  How the disease alters the cells, tissues and/or organs involved in the disease

4.  Current treatments or cures and how they work on the cells, tissues and/or organs


If you are doing a technology study, include:

1.  The basic science behind the technology, including a diagram

2.  When, where, and by who was the technology developed?

3.  What the technology is used for

4.  The impact of this technology on human health and/or society


If you are doing a public or NGO health strategy study, include:

1.  The reason the strategy is needed, with specific statistics about disease prevalence

2.  The people groups targeted by the health strategy

3.  The key elements of the public health strategy and, if possible, the funding devoted to each

4.  An assessment of the effectiveness of this health strategy (what has worked, what hasn’t, and why)


If you are doing an ethics study, include:

1. A description of the science behind the technology, including a diagram

2.  What the technology is used for and who is affected by this technology

3. The ethical issues surrounding this technology and why they are important/not important


Marking scheme


Informative (includes all required information with lots of detail)  /20

Accurate (Bibliography sources are numerous and reliable)  /10

Interesting/creative   /15

Professional (Well prepared, high quality visuals, flows well)   /5